Free T&CsIf you are looking for website legal documents that are:
... then our free T&Cs may be the right solution for you. English law documentsThe free T&Cs are governed by English law and designed to aid compliance with both English law and EU law. They are intended for UK-based websites. Hosted by usAlthough we host the free T&Cs on our website, they are designed for use in relation to other websites. The idea is that you can link to them from your website or embed them in your website. Automatic updatingThis means that the T&Cs applicable to your website will automatically be updated as we update the documents, whether to keep pace with legal developments or to refine the drafting or extend coverage. If you’d like to be notified in advance of updates, please let us know using our contact form. Zero editingThe free T&Cs are designed for use with zero editing. Website-specific information required by law should be supplied by way of a dedicated legal information page. User agreement vs customer agreementThere are two sets of free T&Cs:
The user agreement and customer agreement can be used together, providing all or most of the licensing rules, disclaimers of liability and contractual terms and conditions needed by many websites. |